Scrupulosity OCD: Guilt is a Bully

Scrupulosity OCD: Guilt is a Bully

Introduction While OCD can manifest in various forms, one particularly challenging subtype is scrupulosity. There are two types of scrupulosity. One is more connected to religiosity. Patients with this form of scrupulosity tend to fear going to hell, sinning, or being...
Psychosomatic Symptoms and OCD: The Symptoms Are Still Real

Psychosomatic Symptoms and OCD: The Symptoms Are Still Real

Introduction Psychosomatic symptoms, also known as psychophysiological or mind-body symptoms, are physical manifestations that are caused by psychological factors. These symptoms occur when emotional or mental distress triggers bodily responses, resulting in physical...
Harm OCD: You’re not crazy!

Harm OCD: You’re not crazy!

Harm OCD, like all the other domains of obsessive-compulsive disorder, is very disruptive. The harm domain involves any intrusive thoughts that involve hurting yourself or someone else, either purposefully or accidentally. It is important to note that OCD intrusive...
OCD: Health Obsessions

OCD: Health Obsessions

Living with some uncertainty can be difficult for anyone especially related to death. However, when someone has health obsessions, the uncertainty about the state of their health is almost unbearable. Someone who struggles with obsessive-compulsive disorder typically...
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