Recommended Literature
Explore the following literature resources that offer valuable insights into the various disorders we address. These carefully selected readings can provide helpful information and support to better understand and cope with the challenges related to mental health.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Getting Over OCD: A 10-Step Workbook for Taking Back Your Life by Jonathan Abramowitz, PhD
- The Imp of the Mind: Exploring the Silent Epidemic of Obsessive Bad Thoughts by Lee Baer, PhD
- Getting Control: Overcoming Your Obsessions and Compulsions by Lee Baer, PhD, with a forward by Judith Rapoport, MD
- Stop Obsessing!: How to Overcome Your Obsessions and Compulsions by Edna B. Foa, PhD and Reid Wilson, PhD
- Freedom From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Personalized Recovery Program for Living with Uncertainty by Jonathan Grayson, PhD
- Over and Over: Again Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Revised Edition by Fugen Neziroglu, PhD and Jose Yaryura-Tobias, MD
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders: A Complete Guide to Getting Well and Staying Well by Fred Penzel, PhD
- The Boy Who Couldn’t Stop Washing: The Experience and Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Judith L. Rapoport, MD
- Rewind Replay Repeat: A Memoir of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Jeff Bell
- When in Doubt Make Belief: An OCD-Inspired Approach to Living with Uncertainty by Jeff Bell
- Saving Sammy: Curing the Boy Who Caught OCD by Beth Alison Maloney
- Freeing your Child from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Tamar E Chansky, PhD
- Talking Back to OCD: The Program That Helps Kids and Teens Say No Way and Parents Say Way to Go by John S. March, MD
- What to do When Your Child Has Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Strategies and Solutions by Aureen Pinto Wagner, PhD
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Getting Over OCD: A 10-Step Workbook for Taking Back Your Life by Jonathan Abramowitz, PhD
- The Imp of the Mind: Exploring the Silent Epidemic of Obsessive Bad Thoughts by Lee Baer, PhD
- Getting Control: Overcoming Your Obsessions and Compulsions by Lee Baer, PhD, with a forward by Judith Rapoport, MD
- Stop Obsessing!: How to Overcome Your Obsessions and Compulsions by Edna B. Foa, PhD and Reid Wilson, PhD
- Freedom From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Personalized Recovery Program for Living with Uncertainty by Jonathan Grayson, PhD
- Over and Over: Again Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Revised Edition by Fugen Neziroglu, PhD and Jose Yaryura-Tobias, MD
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders: A Complete Guide to Getting Well and Staying Well by Fred Penzel, PhD
- The Boy Who Couldn’t Stop Washing: The Experience and Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Judith L. Rapoport, MD
- Rewind Replay Repeat: A Memoir of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Jeff Bell
- When in Doubt Make Belief: An OCD-Inspired Approach to Living with Uncertainty by Jeff Bell
- Saving Sammy: Curing the Boy Who Caught OCD by Beth Alison Maloney
- Freeing your Child from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Tamar E Chansky, PhD
- Talking Back to OCD: The Program That Helps Kids and Teens Say No Way and Parents Say Way to Go by John S. March, MD
- What to do When Your Child Has Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Strategies and Solutions by Aureen Pinto Wagner, PhD
- The Hair-Pulling Problem: A Complete Guide to Trichotillomania by Fred Penzel, PhD
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- The Broken Mirror: Understanding and Treating Body Dysmorphic Disorder by Katharine A Phillips, MD
- Feeling Good About the Way You Look: A Program for Overcoming Body Image Problems by Sabine Wilhelm, PhD
- Understanding Body Dysmorphic Disorder An Essential Guide by Katharine A Phillips, MD
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Social Phobia
- Buried in Treasures: Help for Compulsive Acquiring Saving and Hoarding by David F Tolin, PhD, Randy O. Frost, PhD, and Gail S. Steketee, PhD
- Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things by Randy O. Frost, PhD. and Gail S. Steketee, PhD
- Treatment of Health Anxiety and Hypochondriasis: A Biopsychosocial Approach by Jonathan S. Abramowitz, PhD and Autumn E. Braddock